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Proof of Concept Environment

The 3D Platform includes a comprehensive test environment designed to validate every aspect of the platform's functionality, scalability, and performance. The Proof of Concept (POC) environment consists of various enterprise systems operating within a government subnet and external systems that interact with them. Each system has been designed to illustrate the seamless exchange of data and the ability to aggregate information across business units. Below is an overview of each system, highlighting the data they manage, import, and export.

Comprehensive Test Environment

Sample Enterprise Systems


Government Subnet Systems


1.      Citizen Registry System: The Citizen Registry manages all citizen data within the government, including temporal relationships such as marriages and parent/child connections. Additionally, it handles its own financial subledger, projects, activities, and equipment. Updates to citizen records trigger automatic exports to subscriber systems, while financial and budget transactions are continuously shared with the central government system. Asset information is also sent to the central government registry.


2.      Corporate Registry System: This system tracks all corporations and their key resources (e.g., Presidents). It automatically exports corporate data updates to other government systems and external entities. The Corporate Registry integrates citizen data from the Citizen Registry and exports financial transactions, budget details, and equipment to the central government system.


3.      Vehicle Registry System: The Vehicle Registry maintains a temporal record of all vehicles within a state or province. It records vehicle details and revenue transactions related to updates. When a vehicle’s status changes, updates are sent to the organization that owns the vehicle. Financial, budget, and equipment information is exported to the central government system.


4.      Public Works System: The Public Works system coordinates projects and activities for other government departments. It maintains an extensive equipment registry, including heavy equipment. It accepts activity data from external consulting firms and other departmental systems involved in its projects. Public Works exports project information, activity updates, and financial transactions to relevant departments and the central government.


5.      Land Registry System: This fully temporal system tracks land parcels, titles, and registered interests (e.g., mortgages). The Land Registry provides a legal framework and monitors subdivisions and land aggregation plans. It handles financial transactions associated with land changes and exports land registry data to interested entities, such as municipalities, banks, and oil and gas companies. It also exports financial data, budget transactions, and equipment details to the central government.


6.      Municipal System: Supporting the municipal department, this system aggregates taxation data from all municipalities and integrates updates from the Citizen and Corporate Registries. Financial transactions, budget data, and equipment details are exported to the central government system.


7.      Energy Department System: The Energy Department accepts temporal well data from oil and gas companies, based on the PPDM industry model. With over 2,000 tables, this system demonstrates how large datasets are handled. It exports financial transactions, budget information, and equipment data to the central government.


8.      Central Government Office System: The central system manages reference table updates and houses a consolidated financial ledger encompassing all government finances. It maintains a central equipment registry to facilitate equipment sharing between departments. The system uses a data warehouse generation capability that consolidates data across all departmental systems into a unified data warehouse. It ensures that data governance principles are maintained by importing records from the systems that govern them. The Master Data Query Engine allows rapid access to all relevant data, such as citizen or land parcel details.


External Systems


1.      Municipal Taxation Systems (2): Each system manages temporal data for all properties within its jurisdiction, including rate payers, mill rates, assessments, and revenue. These systems integrate land title updates from the Land Registry and export taxation data to the Municipal System for aggregation. They also accept updates from the Citizen, Corporate, and Land Registries.


2.      Banking System: This system demonstrates how banks receive updates for land parcels where they hold mortgage interests. It is automatically updated with citizen or corporate changes related to properties under mortgage.


3.      Consulting System: Used by consulting firms engaged in government projects, this system exports project activity and financial data to the Public Works department. It includes a full financial system, equipment registry, and contact management functionality. Activities from this system are aggregated with departmental activities to provide a comprehensive view of project costs and progress.


4.      PPDM System: The PPDM system showcases the management of the oil and gas industry model and reference values shared across companies. It handles its own financial, equipment, and project activity records and exchanges data with other oil and gas systems.


5.      Oil and Gas Systems (2): These systems feature 2,000 tables based on the PPDM model, populated with scrambled data from live environments. The systems exchange data for partnerships and send relevant well data to the government’s Energy Department system. Additionally, they share reference table updates with other oil and gas systems. Their internal financial systems are integrated with projects and equipment management.


6.      Oil and Gas Service Company System:  This system supports oil and gas well maintenance. It exports activity updates to the relevant oil and gas companies and manages its own financial, equipment, and activity data.




The POC environment is a sophisticated demonstration of our enterprise systems integration capabilities. By effectively orchestrating a network of interconnected systems, it showcases the potential for improved data governance, operational efficiency, and real-time data exchange within a complex governmental landscape. This POC serves as an exemplary model, illustrating how tailored enterprise architectures can foster collaboration, enhance accountability, and optimize resources in public administration and other sectors.


This detailed integration highlights the platform's adaptability, handling high data volumes and complex transactions while ensuring data integrity across all systems. We believe this POC can inspire future developments in enterprise system architecture, potentially transforming how organizations manage and share data.

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